Student Clubs

At the State College of Florida, we believe that the journey of higher education is about more than just academics. It’s about forging connections, exploring your passions, and embracing diverse experiences. Our student clubs and organizations at both the Bradenton and Venice campuses offer you the chance to do just that.
At both campuses, we encourage diversity, leadership, and personal growth. If you can’t find a club that aligns with your passions, don’t worry – we welcome you to create your own. Our clubs are more than just extracurricular activities; they’re a gateway to new friendships, meaningful experiences, and the chance to make a difference.
So, explore our clubs, connect with like-minded peers, and make the most of your time at the State College of Florida.
SCF Bradenton Clubs
Our Bradenton Campus boasts an impressive array of clubs and organizations, each offering a unique avenue for personal growth and community engagement. Whether you’re a science enthusiast, a budding entrepreneur, a theater lover, or someone passionate about diversity and culture, there’s a club for you. The American Chemical Society dives deep into the world of chemistry, while Brain Bowl challenges your intellect through academic quiz competitions. The Clay Club celebrates ceramic arts, and the Earth Club connects you with the environment and adventure trips. If you’re business-savvy, explore the Entrepreneurship Club, or if you’re into the arts, join the Literary Guild. Learn more about the Bradenton Clubs below.
Organized to enhance the study of chemistry and its related fields, and to increase community awareness in the importance of chemistry as it relates to people’s lives. Activities include education and career counseling for chemistry, engineering, and biotechnology science majors.
Brain Bowl is an academic quiz bowl competition for Florida community college teams. The teams compete against each other to be the first to buzz in and correctly answer a toss-up question, winning points and the opportunity to collaborate with teammates to answer three bonus questions per toss-up won. Subject areas for questions include humanities, social sciences, natural science, and mathematics.
The primary purpose of the Conversation Salon is to provide an opportunity for students to engage with their peers and become more comfortable speaking to others as they navigate through an increasingly electronic world. The goal is to actively engage participants in the art of conversation. The club will strive to provide members with non-confrontational conversation starters from fellow students and/or faculty guests, in concert with club advisors, and participants will break into small groups to discuss the topic.
A national fraternity that welcomes dedicated theater majors and non-theater majors alike, DPO’s purpose is to produce four quality dramatic productions per academic year.
The Earth Club is a SCF student activities organization that offers opportunities for students to develop new and often life-long friendships with people of diverse educational, cultural, and environmental interests. Each semester the members will plan and organize adventure trips both locally and throughout the state of Florida. In addition, they continue the Club’s commitment to environmental stewardship by engaging in coastal community service projects selected by the Club’s Officers. Membership in the club is free, though most of our adventure trips do have some costs associated with them.
The mission of the State College of Florida Entrepreneurship Club (E-Club) is to create an entrepreneurial ecosystem at SCF (all campuses) and extend the entrepreneurial Experience in and beyond the classroom for student members. The guiding principles of the E-Club are Entrepreneurship. Education. Experience.
Esports Club is a club for SCF students to play competitive and recreational videogames in a supportive community. The club provides opportunities for students to grow their skillset, compete with their peers, and learn more about the growing industry of Esports. The Esports Club will use videogames to encourage teamwork and increase student resiliency in a competitive, team-driven environment.
All students who have an interest in business are invited to join. Club members are involved in community leadership service activities. Club members compete with other business club students at district, state and national levels for honors in business competition events.
Hispanic Latino Heritage Club has a purpose to share Hispanic Culture to enrich the lives of students and staff and enhance cultural awareness
HOSA – Future Health Professionals, formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America is an international organization that helps students build and strengthen their communication, leadership and teamwork skills as well as motivating them to use innovating strategies. Along with interpersonal skills, HOSA helps sharpen their hands-on healthcare knowledge through the competitive events program.
The primary purpose of Club Italo Americano is to provide the entire College with an opportunity to view, read, and discuss all things Italian. The club will strive to provide members with Italian / Italian American activities and information that will be valuable to all of its members. Specifically, the club will host film festivals, provide cultural lectures, offer on-campus bocce matches and corn hole tournaments, celebrate with food events, and offer opportunities for Webinars and Zoom cooking lessons.
The goals of this club will be to contribute to the advancement of the profession of the legal assistant / paralegal students at SCF, network with legal professionals in the community, and participate in activities of the community that promote solutions to civic issues.
Provides a place for writers to meet, share their work, talk with other writers, enjoy the community of writers and organize literary activities on campus.
The SCF Music Club is comprised of students who are enrolled in the SCF Music Program Ensembles. Students practice and prepare music literature to performed in concerts both on and off campus.
From Anime to Zombies, we celebrate and embrace all the different fandoms you can throw at us. Historically, Nerd Culture was defined as a subsection of people that were interested in topics typically on the outskirts of popular culture, the outcasts.
Promotes the profession of occupational therapy to peers and to the public. The group actively identifies, and addresses student education opportunities/concerns and increases exposure of its members to scholarly pursuits, community service and promotes life-long learning.
International Honor Society of two-year colleges. Invited are all degree seeking students who have achieved an all-college, cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, having completed 12 semester hours on a full or part-time basis. Students engage in leadership, scholarship, fellowship and service activities.
Composed of students currently enrolled in the PTA program. Activities include club meetings, fund-raising activities, the formation of study groups and social activities. Students raise funds for attendance at state and national conferences sponsored by the American Physical Therapy Association. Officers are elected at the beginning of the two-year program.
Composed of students currently enrolled in the radiography program. Activities include club meetings, fundraising activities, study groups and social activities. Students raise funds for attendance at national conferences and seminars.
Rainbow Alliance is an extracurricular club devoted to fostering a safe place of inclusivity, well-being, and equality for the LGBTQ+ community on the State College of Florida Bradenton campus.
Honors club for English Majors. Eligible for memberships are students currently enrolled in a two-year college with a Sigma Kappa Delta Chapter who have completed a minimum of one college course (excluding developmental courses) in English language or literature, with a grade no less than a B in English, and a minimum grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) in general scholarship; they must have completed at least one semester or two quarters of college course work for a cumulative total of twelve semester hours.
The STEM Club Bradenton is as SCF Student Activities organization that offers opportunities for students to grow their skillset, nurture their practical, critical thinking, teamwork and leadership skills.
Each semester the members will plan and organize adventure trips both locally and throughout the state of Florida. Additionally, they continue to the club’s commitment of enhancing STEM knowledge in the K-12 community by coordinating an outreach activity. Furthermore, members will participate in community service activities.
Membership in the club is free and we encourage all students who enjoy STEM activities but may or may not be pursuing a STEM degree.
To cultivate, promote, and sustain the and science of dental hygiene, to represent and safeguard the common interest of the members of the dental hygiene profession, and to contribute toward the improvement of the oral health of the public.
SGA is responsible for a variety of extracurricular activities and events. Active participation provides a valuable learning environment for citizenship, service, and leadership skills on campus and on the regional and state levels.
The mission is to organize, represent and mentor students preparing for initial license as registered nurses, promote development of skills needed to be responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession, and advocate high quality health care.
Provides a network of support to military veterans, their families and civilian supporters through fundraising, social and recreational activities.
SCF Venice Clubs
Our Venice Campus offers an equally enriching experience with student clubs including the Art & Design Club fostering an artistic community, promoting creativity and relationships. For the gaming enthusiasts, the Esports Club provides a platform for competitive and recreational video gaming. If you’re inclined towards business, the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) provides opportunities for leadership and competition. The Food Forest Club promotes sustainability and agriculture, while the History and Political Science Club delves into the study of history and politics. Learn more about the Venice Clubs below.
Our mission is to create and maintain an artistic community for any and all students attending SCF in Venice. We focus on forming strong and long-lasting relationships between the faculty, the students and the rest of the community through familiarizing ourselves with the art of the past, experiencing the art of the present and shaping the art of the future.
Esports Club is a club for SCF students to play competitive and recreational videogames in a supportive community. The club provides opportunities for students to grow their skillset, compete with their peers, and learn more about the growing industry of Esports. The Esports Club will use videogames to encourage teamwork and increase student resiliency in a competitive, team-driven environment.
The Food Forest Club serves to maintain and promote the SCF Venice Food Forest as an inspirational, educational tool for students and the community while also providing a forum and group setting for people interested in sustainability, philosophy, spirituality, agriculture, and the natural environment.
All students who have an interest in business and business-related fields are invited to join. Club members are involved in community leadership service activities. Club members compete with other business club students at district, state and national levels for honors in business competition events.
The History and Political Science Club promotes the study of history and political science to further the understanding of past and present social and political ideologies to promote diversity of views.
PTK is the International Honor Society of the two-year college. Invited are all students who have achieved a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or above, having completed at least one full-time semester or at least 24 semester
hours on a part-time basis. Students engage in leadership, social, and service activities.
SKD is the National English Honor Society for two-year colleges. Eligible for membership are currently enrolled students who have completed a minimum of one college course (excluding developmental courses) in English Language or Literature, with a grade no less than a B in any English course and a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above having completed a minimum of 12 semester credit hours.
The STEM.Med Club provides opportunities and resources for students interested in exploring topics related to general science, technology, engineering, mathematics, or medical sciences.
The SGA serves as the official voice for all students enrolled in credit courses at State College of Florida. SGA is responsible for a variety of extracurricular activities and events; promotes citizenship, service, and leadership development; and serves as the umbrella organization for the InterClub Council (ICC).
Student Veterans of America provides military veterans, dependents, and supporters with resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and beyond.
The Swamp Scribes strives to provide a non-academic forum to discuss and exchange ideas to further the imagination, creativity, and originality of our members and campus community, and to promote diversity of views by studying and performing works from other cultures.
Venice Tabletop Gaming Club looks to gain an appreciation and understanding for tabletop games while forming connection with like-minded individuals.
Xenos is devoted to establishing a safe place of inclusivity at SCF Venice and a diverse and welcoming environment that will contribute to a positive and productive atmosphere on campus. Xenos advocates for groups including, but not limited to, the LGTBQ+ community and those who are identified through gender, ethnicity, race, or religion. As a group, we emphasize the need to embrace the value of all people and support our fellow students.