SCFCS Venice Holds Graduation Ceremony
Bradenton, Fla. May. 9, 2023
(Bradenton, Fla., May 9, 2023) — State College of Florida Collegiate School (SCFCS) Venice held its third commencement ceremony on Thursday, May 4. Sixteen graduates were awarded their high school diplomas and associate in arts degrees. The graduates earned more than $1.3 million in scholarships, including Florida Bright Futures, Florida Gulf Coast University, New College of Florida and the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee. Dr. Andrew Swanson, State College of Florida, Manatee-Sarasota (SCF) natural science professor, delivered the commencement address.
More than half of the graduating class made the SCF dean’s or president’s list, and six students were members of the SCFCS Venice National Honor Society. The graduates also completed about 2,000 hours of combined community service.
Brenna Magliacane was the student speaker. Yekaterina Serenchenko received the Graduate Achievement Award. Stephanie Dowell was recognized with the Graduate Appreciation Award. The Outstanding Graduate Award was presented to Kathleen Soysa.
“I am so very proud of all of our Collegiate School Venice seniors!” said Dr. Karen Peck, head of school at SCFCS Venice. “We had the State College of Florida Outstanding Graduate award winner, Dylan Thull, as part of our senior class. What an accomplishment!”
Dr. Karen Peck, SCFCS Venice head of school, gave opening remarks; Reverend Jeff Peck gave an invocation and benediction; Yasmine Bachmeier, junior/senior advisor, read the graduate names; and the SCFCS Venice Music Club performed the national anthem. Dr. Carol F. Probstfeld, president of SCF; Dr. Todd G. Fritch, executive vice president and provost; and Kelly Monod, senior head of collegiate schools, presented awards.
Thull, the SCF Outstanding Graduate Award winner, spoke at the college’s graduation the following evening in Bradenton.
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