Learn more about SCF's Social and Behavioral Sciences
SCF’s Social and Behavioral Sciences and Human Services programs offer a deep dive into the world of humanity and society. They cover a wide range of subjects, exploring society, identity, and social institutions.
HomeEarly Childhood Education and Early Intervention [3003]
Early Childhood Education and Early Intervention [3003]
In addition to the undergraduate degrees, SCF offers Early Childhood Education (ECE) certificates which prepare students for immediate employment:
Florida Child Care Professional Credential (FCCPC) is the State of Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) credential required to teach in an accredited early childhood center. The FCCPC is accepted instead of the National CDA, with new National Head Start mandates. SCF students earn the required 12 college credit course content when they successfully complete with a grade of “C” or higher, EEC 1000, EEC 1601, EEC 1001 and EEC 1319. The lowest beginning level for childcare providers is the DCF-mandated hours (30+10+5).
Florida Director Credential is the educational requirement for all administrators and directors of early childhood centers or licensed family child care homes. Students who need to meet the DCF requirement for the Foundation Level Director Credential must successfully complete EEC [3003].
Early Childhood and Early Intervention 1 year certificate is the educational requirement for curriculum coordinators. While obtaining these certificates, you are earning 36 credits towards your A.S. degree (60 college credits).