Home Administration President Invite the President to Your Event

Invite the President to Your Event

President Gregory is happy to participate in as many on-campus and community-related events as his schedule will allow. The president’s calendar is usually quite full, so the sooner you reach out to us the better. We recommend that you submit the form below at least one month prior to your event. Please provide us with as much detail as you can.

Note: Any press releases, advertisements, invitations, programs, or printed materials that include President Gregory’s name or indicate his attendance at an event, must be reviewed and approved by Communications and Government Relations before being distributed. Please send those materials to Jamie Smith at SmithJ4@SCF.edu.

Invite the President to Your Event

Date of Event(Required)
Event start time(Required)
Time President Gregory would begin speaking(Required)
Event organizer contact name(Required)
Select as many as applicable using the shift key for multiple selections.
Please let us know and share the photos with us within a week after the event.